January 12, 2018 is exactly 2 months before Jeremy’s 43rd birthday. January 12th, Jeremy received the news he has cancer. We are still in a daze even as I type this post days later. Jeremy described it as an outer body experience. Surreal. Unbelievable. It is, however, the way we begin 2018.
So a quick background. Jeremy has a history of cysts…he has had three removed in the last 20 years. Several months ago he noticed a mass on the side of his neck. He went to the Doc, and at that time it was thought to be a swollen lymph node…and no big deal. Unfortunately, it continued to grow, and we were certain it was another cyst. Now, you know Jeremy isn’t vein, but he hated the thought of having a huge scar down side of his neck. (Really can you blame him?) Finally, the week before Christmas he braved a follow up visit to the Doc. A CT Scan and biopsy confirmed one of our worst fears. We are blessed to be loved by many, and so we promise to keep this blog going with the latest updates on our Jeremy. We are overwhelmed and thankful by the love and support we have received from family and friends…even when so many of you are fighting your own battles. Your words of encouragement are light on dark days.
So to borrow the Haggard Hawks website 2017 word of the year, and inspiration for the title, we must have Agathism.